The Universe made everything for a reason:
Trees to be trees...
Birds to be birds...
You to be...
When you courageously explore the 3 dimensions of being human it will unlock the "portal to your soul" and you will find yourself living life with passion and purpose
...like the ancient Vikings did.


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Interviews with the world's leading experts in the areas of BODY, MIND & SPIRIT.

"Who you are is screaming so loudly that I can't hear a word you're saying."
-Erik "The Viking"
Why Vikings?
Vikings were fearless explorers and provided us a great example of how to fulfill our soul purpose by embracing the 3 Dimensions of Being Human:
Body: Both men and women were warriors, in touch with their physical natures and maximizing their bodies.
Mind: They were constantly learning and adopting new ideas, creating the longship & new navigation techniques to reach far away lands.
Spirit: They were connected to their Gods and because of this they completely engaged life, always willing to die with a sword in their hands.
The Vikings lived life with Passion and Purpose.
And so can you...

Why Academy?
An enlightened being once said... a mind that is constantly learning cannot be hurt.
In my experience, this is 100% true.
The Viking Academy embraces this mindset, seeing life as a playground to continually learn about who we are and why we're here.
Let's explore, learn, and grow together.
Join us when you're ready...
JOIN for free HERE
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